Risk Management

Anja Breuer founded BREUCO GmbH (BREUer COnsulting) in October 2017 to work as an independet actuary with common sense, having extensive experience in and knowlegde about the Swiss insurance industry.
BREUCO helps you to support and to successfully carry out projects in the areas of actuarial work, supervision, and risk management, and to bridge temporary staff shortages. Anja Breuer takes on mandates as "responsible actuary".
Contact Anja Breuer
Profile of Anja Breuer

Anya Breuer
SAV Actuary, dipl. math oec.
Diploma in Business and Mathematics from the University of Trier, Germany (1992 - 1999)
Erasmus at the Faculty of Mathematics in Santiago de Compostela, Spain (1995 - 1996)
Actuary SAV (since 2003)
Certified Enterprised Risk Actuary (CERA) in training (since 2013)
PhD at the University of Lausanne (since October 2017)

FINMA | 15.07.2017 - 30.09.2017, Bern | Tarifprüfung in der Krankenzusatzversicherung | Aktuar + Aufsicht |
FMA Liechtenstein | 01.01.2016 - 31.05.2017, Vaduz | Aufsicht Schadenversicherung, Gründungsgesuch | Aktuar + Aufsicht |
Milliman AG | 01.01.2014 - 31.01.2015, Zürich | M&A Projects, Proposals | Aktuar |
FINMA | 01.09.2010 - 30.11.2013, Bern | Aufsicht Schadenversicherung, Gründungsgesuche | Aufsicht |
Zurich Insurance Company Ltd | 01.01.2007 - 31.08.2010, Zürich | Business Division Europe General Insurance (EGI):
Monthly Reporting, Renewal Property,
Facultative RI Database | Reinsurance Analyst |
THE BOSTON CONSULTING GROUP AG | 01.09.2004 - 31.12.2006, Zürich | Analysen, Insurance Desk | Insurance Analyst |
Generali Allgemeine Versicherungen AG | 01.10.2001 - 31.08.2004, Genf | Versicherungstechnische Rückstellungen | Aktuar |
Generali Personenversicherungen AG | 01.09.1999 - 30.09.2001, St. Gallen | BVG Rückstellungsberechnung | Aktuar |
Work Experience

I support insurance companies (non-life insurance, health insurance, reinsurance), supervisory authorities, and other insurance service providers with my knowledge from many years of professional experience and I take on mandates as responsible actuary.
I am happy to support your projects, carry them out successfully and help you to cope with your temporary staff shortage.
My professional experience is particularly in the following areas:
Risk Management
Non-Life Insurance | Health Insurance | Reinsurance | Supervision
My common sense, my expert knowledge of insurance processes, and my deep understanding of actuarial science, risk management, and Solvency II (SST) enable me to help you competently and reliably.
You need my support?
Contact Me!